Our duty this week is Shotput at 10am for the women and 10.55am for the men. Rostered families this week are Duncan, Hey, Gorringe, Hatten, Lange and Whitney. We will have people to help you and lots of very easy jobs. If you are available to help out extra helpers are always appreciated. Athletics South recently posted information on their facebook page about Officials Education - check it out so you can learn more and help our events run smoothly.
Club Captains
We are very pleased to announce our Club Captains for Season 23-24 are Bailey Van Den Broek, Joshua Walker and Mitchell Walker. You would have already seen them competing, helping out at field events, organising the relays and helping in the function room last Saturday. Our Captains are co-ordinating our Zone 3 Social event, see them for details. If you have any questions Bailey, Josh and Mitch are happy to help. If you are keen to run a relay let them know!
Congratulations to our two record breakers from Round 2 - Lachlan Job breaking the u15 and u 16 Javelin record and Rebecca Mathers breaking the Open F20 Discus record.
Our random prize winner from round 1 was Amelia Steedman and from round 2 Issy Gray. How did they win? - Both girls remembered to check in at the OVA tent and put there name in for the random draw. It could be you next week - don't forget to check in!
Members Group
Remember to join our new Facebook OVA Members group to keep up to date with all the latest news just for OVA members. Follow this link if you haven't joined yet OVA Members Only Page This a is great place to post all your news and if you can't cover your roster to ask for help.
In the group you will find out details of our upcoming social event at Zone 3 - ask our Club Captains for details.
Things to Remember..
If you have a friend that would like to come and trial bring them along. OVA will help out with the trialling fee. There is some extra paperwork needed before registering for an event - so allow some extra time.
Save the Date -
ZONE 3 - Social Night - Friday 24th November at 6.30pm. Cost $15. RSVP via facebook, message or email or tell our Captains.
Special General Meeting 16th December.
This will include our Special General Meeting to update our constitution, our special prize draw, record certificate presentations and pre Christmas fun.
Night of Fives - inc 5000m State Champs. Open to members and non-members to enjoy a 5km run on track. A sprint event will also be included in the program. Food, drinks, fun and great racing. Saturday 13th January 2024
Thanks to our Sponsors Aldanmark, Master Tint and Running Edge.
Any questions please let us know.
Interclub – Round 12 Interclub starts at 1pm on Saturday with 3000m, Discus and Javelin.
LEARN MORE >Interclub – Round 11 Morning interclub kicks off at 9am on Saturday – let’s fill the track and field with OVA blue, green and gold!
LEARN MORE >No interclub as we normally know it this weekend but still a superb competition as Athletics South hosts a Showcase Meet this weekend.