Interclub Round 13
Interclub moves to Sunday afternoon this week to allow Relay for Life to use the athletics track. Its a 2.45pm start with Discus for men. Women's Shotput is at 3.00pm and as always we are on duty so please come along and help. Men's shotput is at 4.30pm please help out. This week the Mile is included in the track program - use your 1500m time to enter.
Relay is 4 x400m - put your name down at the tent.
Athletics South are having a working bee on Sunday March 3rd at 10am - helpers needed.
Also remember - if you are withdrawing from an event please let the official or admin know so you can be scratched, especially for hurdles and sprints.
Remember to check in at the OVA tent and put your name in for the random draw. And sign up for the relay while you are there!
Keep working on those Premiership Points - not too many more rounds to see who gets the Trophy and the Running Edge voucher. Issy Gray and Bailey van den Broek still hold the lead.
Congratulations to Issy Gray and Tene Terblanche on breaking OVA hurdles records last weekend at interclub.
Also to Tom Beard on his win in the 5km Run the Bridge.
Records Updated
Our OVA records have had a face lift and been updated to include Relay Records and Para Records. Check them out on the website. There are few gaps that we need some more information to fill, so if you think you should have a record please email us with the details.
Members Group
Remember to join our new Facebook OVA Members group to keep up to date with all the latest news just for OVA members. Follow this link if you haven't joined yet OVA Members Only Page This a is great place to post all your news and if you can't cover your roster to ask for help.
Social Night - we would love to hold another social event soon but are looking for suggestions. What would you like to do? Let us know.
Things to Remember..
Save the Date -
March 15 - 17 - Athletics Tasmania State Championships.
Thanks to our Sponsors Aldanmark, Master Tint, Zambrero. Dominate Designs and Running Edge.
Interclub – Round 12 Interclub starts at 1pm on Saturday with 3000m, Discus and Javelin.
LEARN MORE >Interclub – Round 11 Morning interclub kicks off at 9am on Saturday – let’s fill the track and field with OVA blue, green and gold!
LEARN MORE >No interclub as we normally know it this weekend but still a superb competition as Athletics South hosts a Showcase Meet this weekend.