April 22, 2016
Aths Tas


The Athletics Tasmania athlete of the year awards are coming up on May 28th.

The OVA Southern Saints, on behalf of Athletics Tasmania, wish to pass on the information about the upcoming Athlete of the Year Awards on May 28th.

Details for this event are:

May 28th, 2016
3:00pm - 6:00pm
Domain Athletics Centre Function Room
Smart, casual dress for a High Tea style function

Registration and secure payment can now be made via the online form at https://athleticstasmania.typeform.com/to/BbBzBm. For further information on the event, visit http://tasathletics.org.au/News/athlete-of-the-year-awards

OVA are hoping to have 2 tables at the AT AOY function. If you know you will be attending, please contact the club and we’ll arrange the tables.

Register AT AOY Awards >

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